
Showing posts from April, 2024

Linux Interview Questions with answers :

 1).. what is the umask in linux os ? umask is the file permission . whenever the file or directory is created , automatically the umask value is assigned  like umask value is 022 ,0022 and 077 if you want to change default umask value into linux os , we can go to change the vi /etc/login.defs file  2). what is the inode number in linux os ? its contains the file information .  whenever the file is created automatically inode number assigned to this file if you want to check the inode number into this file: ll -li command  in this way we can get this inode number  3).How to disable the root account in linux os ? usermod -s /sbin/nologin root  in this way we can disable the root account in linux os  4). what is linux boot process : bios  mbr grub kernel init  runlevesl 5). what is the difference between curl and wget command in linux os ? curl - checking the connectivity .wheather the connection is not established or not wget - using this command we can download the files from server si
 Cloud  Interview Questions: 1). How to create role based permissions in IAM? 1).create role 2).choose aws services ).Next we need  tp give permissions or policy  4)create dag  %).Review the IAM role creation ^)finally create the IAM  role........................................................................................................................ 2). HOW to restrict  the user or block the user in IAM  3). What is high availability? 4).How to ensure the high availability? 5).How to scale the high avilibity in aws? 6). if are facing unauthorized access in your website are happens for your website. You are a admin , what u will do for this scenario? 7).How to check user activity for using compliance and auditing? 8). explain any problem and solving issues in your organizations ? 9)..High avilibity for your vpc in aws? 10).What is the cloud watch logs into AWS? Cloud watch logs enables the centralize log system into your system which i used to monitor the applications logs ,syst

Linux interview Questions

 1).What is the difference between hard and softlink  in linux os  hardlink : ln filename  softlink :ln -s filename  2).. How to check no.of hardlinks are created for file? ll -li command  Inthis we can check it out how many hardlnks are careted  for this file .. 3)..  How to find the location of hardlink of the file? find . / -xdev -samefile filename  In this way we find the locations of hardlink of the file 4).  What is the port number of DHCP and DNS? DHCP - 67,68 DNS -53 5). What is the difference between tcp and udp: tansmission control protcol: Its reabile protocol its connection oriented protocol data tranfser is slow udp : user datagram protocol: its non-realible protocol its connectionless protocol data transfer is very speed 6).. explain the files of /ect/passwd? Its stores the user account information's . when i am going to creating the one user this user is going to store under /etc/passwd file we have 7 enries are there every enteries are separated by colons.. username

aws and linux interview questions

 Aws and Linux interview Questions : 1).. When Vpc peering I have same cidr block gives to both ip it will connect? If not what is meaning of  overlapping in this ? No its not connect . when we are creating the vpc peering between the two different vpc's that time we will assign the different cidr ipv4 block (ipaddress) for this vpc's so we can established the connections for both vpc's successfully . but cidr ipv4 block (ipaddress) should not overlapping. which means we are not using the same vpc address for different vpc's once (its called overlapping). when overlapping happens , that time vpc's doesnot esatblished the communications .  2).. How to connect two different aws account ? using aws organization service we can connect the 2 different aws accounts . we can create the multiple aws accounts using the aws organizations. This all aws accounts isolated  from one account to another account. for example I am doing some activity in test aws account this activity