aws and linux interview questions

 Aws and Linux interview Questions :


When Vpc peering I have same cidr block gives to both ip it will connect? If not what is meaning of 

overlapping in this ?

No its not connect . when we are creating the vpc peering between the two different vpc's

that time we will assign the different cidr ipv4 block (ipaddress) for this vpc's

so we can established the connections for both vpc's successfully . but cidr ipv4 block (ipaddress)

should not overlapping. which means we are not using the same vpc address for different vpc's

once (its called overlapping). when overlapping happens , that time vpc's doesnot esatblished the communications . 


How to connect two different aws account ?

using aws organization service we can connect the 2 different aws accounts .

we can create the multiple aws accounts using the aws organizations. This all aws accounts isolated 

from one account to another account. for example I am doing some activity in test aws account this activity is not going to affecting for any other aws accounts .


On running instances after launch how it change the security group ?

choose server which you want to it .

go to action ---> click security here.

then it will provides the avilble security gruops . 

As per needs and requirements we can attach the security group after instance launch..


How to block ipaddress into vpc ?

Goto vpc -- find the NACL ( Network access control list)

here two rules are there : inbound and outbound rules

we can go edit this rule and allow or deny the traffic as per needs.


What is cool down period in autoscalling ?

By default cool down period in autoscaling is : 300


What is s3 classes?

s3 standard strage class

s3 infrequent access storage class

s3 redueredauncy 

s3 galcier

s3 deep archive glacier

s3 intelliegnt tier

s3 standard iA



Difference between glacier and deep archive glacier?


How to find port number in linux os ?

we can execute the command like as the,

netstat -tunlp command 

Using  this command it will list out the ipaddress ,  port number and states , processes.


How to set the time of linux server?

using this command like as the ,

date command.

timectl command

datectl command


what is the db instnace and parameter group in rds?


Can we change the windows server password?

Yes we can change the windows server passowrd.

first login into the server . then we can chnage the passowrd without any problem

using this key like : ctrl+alr+delete


How to host s3 static website ?

1).create the bucket and upload the html file

2).go to the prperties then enable the static website and add the index.html 

3).go to the permisison then on the block public access 

4).In same tab we can enable the object ownership (enable the acl inthis)

5). next choose the bucket and go to the action . choose bucke using acl 

6)then click ok .Now static website is sucessfully hosted..

13).How to give specific access to any user using IAM?

create one IAM user 

provide the separate permission or policy to this user

create dag and user 

Now, It will provides the aws url link ,username and password

In this way patricular user gettting specific access in Aws console.


How to find size of any file in linux os ?

we can execute the command like as the,

du -sh filename 

So, in this way we get this file size in linux os

15). Where new files are saved in linux os ?

this new files are stored in current working directory and 

its stores under particular directory.

for example,

touch /tmp/file.txt123

this file.txt123 file saved under /tmp/ directory.


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