Aws Certification Manager into aws environment:

1).first we need to create the vpc 

2).next things we have to create the two public  subnets

based on multiple avilibity zones we can craete the multiple subnets .

3).setup the the internet gateway 

4).next internet gateway is needed to attach with the 

vpc .

5).setup the route table 

next am going to associate the all subnets into route tables which we are careted.

next am going to add the igw for public subnets routes


setup the ec2 instances:

while lancing the ec2 server , we have to choose the 

vpc and public subnets and added into that.

here we need to install the and configure the apache webserver


setup the loadbalnacer

firsts we need to create the target group and add the ec2 servers.

then we can to create the load balancer and add the target group inside it .


we dont want use loadnalabcer dns name.

we want to introduce for the one new name (which mean url).that's why we can craete the route53.

route 53 doesn't reside the vpc .route53 is a global resources

anytime you are creating the domain and url inside the route53 , because route doesn't reside the vpc .because route53 is a global resources.

when user trying to access the url .first this url is reached to the route53 .then next it will go to the load blanacer .then it will redirect to the ec2 server.

first reate the route53

then use the aws setup the sssl

choose ruote53 service

craete hosted zone

give domain name



public hosted zone and private hosted zone


then create the hosted zone .


once hosted zone is created for route53 .then we can get nameserver our record which is form aws 

for example ,

I am going to purchase the any domain name from any websites , they will provide own ns records.

but things is ,

we will not use any name server for google domains records.

we need to copy the from aws and pasted into guideway websites into dns setting 

so this domain is pointing onto aws ns records insisted of goggle

from their we can take request this request is reach loadbalnacer then loadbalnacer is forwarding the request to respective ec2 server


a record inside the hosted zone:

choose simple routing :

create records:

choose domain and record type , is a,

value/route traffic to application load balancer

choose region

then define record

select recors  and click ok


genrate the certificate:

ssl is certificate is craete then its imported into the route53.then we can get access to the https link


create the aws certificate manager

request public certificate :

copy the domain name  and pasted into the aws domain name 

validation method 

is the dns

key algorithm


then request it

now the certificate is created . next we have ot create the record for certicate into the route53

just we need to push into the certicate into the route53 

so choose certificate which we are created

now the ssl certificate is careted successfully


still we are works on the load balancer:

ere we need to edit the lisner and  rule


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