linux interview questions

 Linux interview Questions from Tech Arkit:

1).There are three users in linux server A1,B1,c1.

1. provide access to A1 user ftp,telnet ans ssh commands

2.only ssh access to b1 user

3.only telnet access to c1 user

How will you provide access?

first we should edit the sudoers file

vi /etc/sudoers and vi sudo

A1 ALL = nopassword ;/bin/ftp,/bin/telnet,/bin/ssh

B1 ALL = nopassowrd :/bin/ssh

C1 ALL = nopassowrd :/bin/telnet

2).what is firewall?

its a security . which is used to filters and controls the traffic on a predefined set of rules.

firewall rule is defined as the blocks and protects the website .

3).what is selinux & selinux contexts?

system_u: selinux user

object_r : role

passwd_file: selinux type

so =sensivity level

ls -lZ command

How to check the selinux is enable on the file level?

we can execute the command like as the,

ls -lZ command 

so in this way we can check it out the selinux is enable on the particular file.

4).How do you check kernel version into linux os ?

we can execute the command like as the,

uname -a comamnd 

5).How will you install the packages in linux ?

install web server packages?

using yum and rpm packages to install the packages into linux os .

yum install httpd -y command 

so in this way we can install the webserver packages into linux os 

rpm -ivh 

i - instllations 



where the package is located 

6).How will you check the memeory usage into linux os ?

we can execute the comamnd like as th,

top command

free -m comamnd

cat /proc/meminfo command

7).How will you reduce the LVM size, explain the procedure?

first unount the disk or filesystem

unmount /lv0

we can run the e2fsck to resolve any filesystem errors

e2fscak -f /dev/vg0/il

resize the filesystem 

resize2fs /dev/vgo/lv 40m

reduce the lvm size :

lvreduce -L 400m /dev/vg0/lv

next we need the mount the filesystem,

next we  need to edit the entries with the fstab filesystem

mount -a

check the filesystem using df -Th command:

8).How will you extend LVM size, explain the procedure>

before then we have to resize the filesystem in linux os:

resize2fs /dev/vg1/lv

lxextend _L +1G /dev/vg1/lv

9).How to check memeory,cpu , usage ,serial no,and model 


cat /proc/meminfo

cat /proc/cpuinfo 

or else we have to execute the comamnd like as the


10).explain linux boot process?

11).how to monitor cpu utilizations into linux os ?



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