
 HSBC Bank: Name :  Srikanth Patil Mobile : 9513273723 Email Id : How to check payslips : Go to the portal: here we can see the link: Quick links :  GreytHR ---------------------------------------------------- Medical and group insurance : Contact : shafi +91 -7022557573 email address: For any escalation write to : Quicklink -BIZX: --------------------------------------------------------- Axis Bank : Name : Ragini sharma  Mobile Number:   8088982659 mail address: --------------------------------------------------------- Name : Archishman Mobile number: 7678068570 mail address: -------------------------------------------------------- Hdfc Bank : Name : Pavan katariya  Mobile Number: 9986349366 Mail address: ------------------------------ Name : Manoj kumar : Mobile N

Existing Bank account details:

 Existing Bank account details: [11:56 AM] Prabhu Manivannan HDFC-Manoj Kumar(6363490692), Ezaz(9742130294) ICICI- Vikash Kumar( 7349259121), Murali Krishna Pala(7892077752) HSBC- Joydev(8553727353),Arun Vasudevan(7349618472), Srikanth (9513273723) Kotak Mahindra-  Akash Kumar(8762252435), Ayyanagowda(9902289195) Axis- Archishman(7678068570),Ragini Sharma(8088982659)   [11:56 AM] Prabhu Manivannan HDFC-Manoj Kumar(6363490692), Ezaz(9742130294) ICICI- Vikash Kumar( 7349259121), Murali Krishna Pala(7892077752) HSBC- Joydev(8553727353),Arun Vasudevan(7349618472), Srikanth (9513273723) Kotak Mahindra-  Akash Kumar(8762252435), Ayyanagowda(9902289195) Axis- Archishman(7678068570),Ragini Sharma(8088982659)  

Linux Interview Questions:

 1).How to check kernel version of linux os? 2).How to check ip address of server? 3).How to get the default gateway of server/ 4).what is ulimit? 5).How to check which rpm has created /etc/passwd file? 6).Disk space is still full even after deleteing a file of 5GB? 7).How to ssh to oyur server? 8).Sudo bash vs sudo su - 9).what is use of curl ? 10).what is the use of wget? 11).what is filename to manage dns entries on linux ? 12).what is the use of /etc/hosts entries? 13).what is the use of w command into linux ? 14).How to kill all process of any user? 15).How to mount disk permantenly? 16).How to check hidden files and how to create it? 17).How to start process at startup time? 18).what does nameless directory represent? 19).How do you check for free disk space? 20).How do you manage services on a server? 21).How do you check size of a directory or file on your  system? 22).How do you check open port on linux server? 23).How do you check cpu usage for a process? 24).How do you deal

AWS Interview Questions: 1).How to configure the nat gateway into aws environment 2).How to configure the autoscalling group into aws environment? 3).How to configure the aws certificate manager into aws environment ? Aws certificate Manager: 4).vpc transits gateway into aws environment? 5).what is lamba and what is the lamda function into aws  environment? -------------------------------------- 1).How to troubleshoot the ec2 kernel panic issues into ec2 environment? 2).how to recover the elastic ip which your missing? 3).ssh is not connecting .So how to troubleshoot it ? 4).what is vpc endpoint service and how to configure the vpc endpoint service? 5).difference between the security groups and nacl into aws environment ?

AWs Interview Questions

 1).How to troubleshoot the aws ec2 kernel panic issue into aws environment? stop the ec2 instances take the snapshot for panic ec2 instances  2).How to recover the elastic ip which you are missing? recovering the elastic ipddress for using below methods: you cannot recover the elastic ipaddress. maybe those ipaddress are allocated to the another aws account exceeding your elastic ip address limit. we can recover the elastic ipaddress using he aws ec2 api or cli only copy the ipaddress somewhere go to the Cmd prompt: and login using the aws configure . aws ec2 allocate-address --domain vpc --address elastic ipaddress  in this way we can recover the elastic ip .. 3).ssh is not connecting . So how to troubleshoot the issue with in it ? first checking the security groups next we have to check the public subnet (weather the igw route is added or not) next am going to check the status check of your instances  instances status check and system status check we have to check the key file permi

AWS Interview Questions:

 1).could you please explain the spot instances and configuring about the spot ec2 instances into aws environment ? 2).what is the mfa and how to configure the mfa into iam ? 3).security groups and tell about it the concepts 4).vpc endpoints and how to configure the those things ? 5).vpc flow logs 6).AWS CLI into aws environment? ------------------------------------------------ AWS Interview Questions: 1).IAM roles into aws environment: 2).Custom IAM role and policy into aws environment? IAM Role : which is used to establish the communication between the different iam services into aws environment IAM policy into aws environment: which is use to tell us what kind of activity you can perform on each services into aws environments: maybe it would be like as the, read ,write and execute  How to create IAM role and policy into aws environment? first create the iam role without allocated the policy: give the aws services choose use case or aws services then don't choose any policy or pe

SQL Interview Questions:

 SQL Interview Questions: sql interview questions: 1).What is sql? 2).what are the subsets of sql? ddl -dattruncatea definitaion laungade = create ,alter,drop, dml dcl tcl --------------------- 1).create the database : insert,update,delete,select sql for beginners : 1).how to create the table? 2).How to insert the values and rows into the tables? 3).How to update the table into sql? for example am entring the john age is wrong. so i need to chnage the 25 . so for that situvation we have to use the upadte command into sql . so , we can execute the command like as the, update student  set  age =23 where name='john';   4).How to delete the rows from the paticular tables and delete the compeplete table? ------------------------------------------------------ 1).How to create the customer table into sql databases? 1)sql practice questions? 1).How to create the customer table into sql? create table customer (customer_id varchar(200),customer_name varchar(200),customer_address varchar(