AWS Interview Questions:

 1).could you please explain the spot instances and configuring about the spot ec2 instances into aws environment ?
2).what is the mfa and how to configure the mfa into iam ?
3).security groups and tell about it the concepts
4).vpc endpoints and how to configure the those things ?
5).vpc flow logs
6).AWS CLI into aws environment?


AWS Interview Questions:
1).IAM roles into aws environment:
2).Custom IAM role and policy into aws environment?

IAM Role :
which is used to establish the communication between the different iam services into aws environment
IAM policy into aws environment:
which is use to tell us what kind of activity you can perform on each services into aws environments:
maybe it would be like as the,
read ,write and execute 

How to create IAM role and policy into aws environment?

first create the iam role without allocated the policy:
give the aws services
choose use case or aws services
then don't choose any policy or permission
then give role name and description
click and create role
now only role created role. But still policy doesn't added here.

next am going to attach the policy and attached to the role which u are created.
first it will shows visual ,json ,actions (policy gerator)
then we have to select the service

if you want to we can use the json 
here code will be edited
then it will ask policy name and description 
dag create it
again go to role 
user role we have to see the permission an attach the policy which we are created .
here user doesn't access the any s3 service into console
so go to the user 
under the user we have to see the permission 
here choose the attach policy directly 
then attach the policy here 
then add permission here
user can access the s3 service only

How to create the IAM role into aws environment?
choose aws service 
then below we have to choose the use case or services
then click next 
next am going to choose the policy or permission
then it will ask role name and description 
click create role
so, in this way we can create the IAm role into aws environment


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