Linux Interview Questions:

 1).How to check kernel version of linux os?
2).How to check ip address of server?
3).How to get the default gateway of server/
4).what is ulimit?
5).How to check which rpm has created /etc/passwd file?
6).Disk space is still full even after deleteing a file of 5GB?
7).How to ssh to oyur server?
8).Sudo bash vs sudo su -
9).what is use of curl ?
10).what is the use of wget?
11).what is filename to manage dns entries on linux ?
12).what is the use of /etc/hosts entries?
13).what is the use of w command into linux ?
14).How to kill all process of any user?
15).How to mount disk permantenly?
16).How to check hidden files and how to create it?
17).How to start process at startup time?
18).what does nameless directory represent?
19).How do you check for free disk space?
20).How do you manage services on a server?
21).How do you check size of a directory or file on your 
22).How do you check open port on linux server?
23).How do you check cpu usage for a process?
24).How do you deal with mounting partitions into linux server?
25).How do you find use of a command you don't know?
26).How to check if acl is set on a file?
27).what command do you use to check attribute of a file?
28).what would happen if i remove execute permission from a directory?
29).I am getting message (no space left on device) and df-th show 50 g free?
30).How to check if os is running on virtual of pysical machine?
31).How to change owner and group of a file?

32).what is use of nmap command into linux os ?
33).How to remove an inode from linux filesystem?

1).How do you check kernel version of os you are currently running?
2).How can check ip address of your server?
3).How do you check free disk space on your server?
4).How do you manage services on server?
5).How do you size of directories and files on server?
6).How do you check oprn ports on linux server?
7).How do you check cpu usage for a process on server?
8).How do you create and access mount points?
9).How do you find a file if you don't know the location?
10).How do you check all logged in users in linux server?
1).what is umask?
2).what is inode number?
3).How to disable root account?
4).what is linux boot process?
5).what is difference between curl and wget command into linux os?
6).what are the possible causes one might not be able to 
access server via ssh?
7).what is diffeence between hard and softlink into linux os ?
8).what is difference between application and network load balnacer?
9).what is umask?
10).what is rpm for /etc/resolve.conf?
11).what is epel? what is this used for?
12).what is difference between /dev/zer and /dev/null?
13).what is sticky bit permission into linux os ?
14).what are run levels?
 1 Single user mode.
2 Multiple user mode with no NFS (network file system).
3 Multiple user modes under the command line interface and not under the graphical user interface.
4 User-definable.
5 - mutilusermode with gui
6 - rebooting our os 


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