Aws and Linux Interview Questions:

 AWs Interview Questions:


How to configure the cloudwatch and what kind of roles

are attached with clodwatch agent into aws?

1).Cpu utlization

2).memory utilizations

3).Disk Utilizations

2).Someone modify the secuirty groups and how to find

and troubleshooting it?

using cloudtrail service we can find the whom modify the

security gorups .

go to cloudtrail service:

here choosse the event history :

here put the security group name or else put the instnaces 


so it will provide the details informations

based on tthat we can identify whom are modified

and what kind of changes they are made..

based on their change we have to add or delete the rules

accordingly .


What kind of activity you are doing in cloud storage 


we can upload the data 

we can download the data

we can delete the data

we are enabling the lifyccyle policy , versioning ,

crosss region replications ,s3 static website and 

s3 event notifications ..

as per out requirements and needs it will be change it 


4).How to encrypt the ebs volume and retore the key ?

first go to the ec2 server . choose the any server 

go to the server . choose the stoarge service 

under storage we can see the volume 

then got to the action then craete snapshot for this.

next using this snaphot we have to ctare the new volume with

encrption volume

what is the key you are using for encrypted?

kms key - key managment service 

then once encrypted is enable on this volume ,

we can attach to the ec2 server if you want ..

5).Cloud watch configuration for cpu utilizations:

insuffciient data:

the cpu utilization data to ransfer to  your cloudwatch

alarms two staes:

inalarm: the utilization stood uo more then value you have to set it


create ec2 servers.

create cloudwatch(netric and alarm)

then create the sns 

when its shows alarm state chnages or trigger then we will get the notifications from sns 

6).cloudwatch configuration for memory or disk utilization:

7).what kind of role u need to be attach with cloudwatch 


1)cloudwatch full access

2)aws ssmfull access

8).What is the difference between secrete credentials(manager) and key management service?

key management service(KMS):

which is used to encrypt and decrypt the data 

secrete credentials :

which is used to storing the configuration informations such as databases password

api keys or tls certificate needed by an application runtime.

aws : code commit :

we can use this code commit we can save the privately (documents,binary files ans source codes).

9).what is the version control in aws environment?

10).what version control system the aws is used ?

aws code commint service 

Version control, also known as source control, is the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code. 

Version control systems are software tools that help software teams manage changes to source code over time.



Linux interview questions:


what is the use of x11 in linux os?

x11 - is the graphical environemnt for most linux-unix enviroments

its provides the access to screen, mouse and keyboard.

2).what is the use of runlevel 2 in linux os ?

multiusermode with no nfs(networking file system)

total runlevels:

runlevel = 0 =shutdown the os

runlevel = 1 = single user mode

runlevel = 2 = mutliusernode with no nfs

runlevel =3 = multiusermode with cli(but not under the gui)

runlevel =4 = user definable

runlevel =5 = mutilusermode with gui (most od the linux distributions using this runlevel 5)

runlevel =6= reboot the system

3).what is the difference between samba and nfs server?

samba :

we can share the files and folders from linux server to windows server

that's what we can use the samba server


network file system :

we can share the files and folders from linux sever to linux client

its a linux to linux based nfs

its allows for fast sharing 

but it less secure 

we can store the file into network. its provides the distributed file system 

4).what is the difference between smb and nmb protocol:

smb: used for linux side .it allows to share the files and folders with help of 139 port number

nmb :  used for windows side . the port number is 445

5).what is the dns server? what is the a record and ns into the dns server?

DNS Server:

domain system or domain name server 

using this dns we can convert the ipaddress to domain name 

so that's what its called as the dns server..

a record in dns:

its indicated the ipaddress of the domain name 

ns : name server :

its contains the domains

its indicates which dns server is authoritaive for that domain

NS records tell the Internet where to go to find out a domain's IP address.


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