AWS EC2 Interview Questions:
AWS EC2 interview questions:
1).what are the type of virtualization do we have on
aws platform?
para virtualization
para virtualization on hvm
2). what are the type of root device?
elastic block storage(ebs)
instance store
3).what are the type of ebs volumes and the use cases?
general purpose ssd
throughput optimized ssd
provisioned iops
cold hdd
4).what are the differences between t2.micro and t3.micro?
t2,t3 is a family type
micro and Nano is the instance size
5).what is the advantage of IAm role in ec2?
6).why do we attach IAm role with ec2 machine while
creating it?
7).what are the usage of tags with ec2/aws resources?
which is used to identify the which server it is
that's what dag is used.
8).under security group what kind of sources we can allow for it ?
my ip
9).what us t2/t3 unlimited options?
10).what are the hypervisor models are there?
11).How can we recover the lost ec2 ssh key?
12).How to check shared AMI'S?
go to ami service
here click the options called as the,
owned by me
public image
private image
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