Aws Interview quesions:
aws organizations scp vs aws IAM?
service control policies:
using the scp policies we can specify the maxmium permissiond
for accounts in organzations
using the scp we can restirct the aws services , resoucres
Indiual api access for user and roles in each memeber account
can access.
so you can configure the scp in two ways :
deny list:
you can specify what services and actions can be denied
allow list:
you can soecify what services and actions can be allowd
by default scp's supports for the deny lists.
This policy attaches to an orgnazational unit or a aws account
This Iam policy is only applied into iam identities(user,
group and roles).iam policy can't restirct the aws account
root user.
configure the scp in iam:
service control policies:
go to this otion
here we can find the deny list or allow list
now am goin gto deny the us region using the deny list scp's policy .
after that us region access are cut it down here.
2).Aws Identity center?
3).AWS Organizations controls permissions of multiple AWS accounts from a "parent" AWS account. For example, if a company's IT department has an AWS account, and the Finance department has another AWS account, you can do things like limit what services can be used in those accounts, and monitor them for compliance, using AWS Organizations in a "parent" or "root" AWS account?
iam is needed for this things
Linux interview questions:
Linux Interview Questions:
1)what are the types of files in linux os ?
Regular file, Directory file, Link file, Character special file, Block special file, Socket file, and Named pipe file.
2).what are the comamnd to check file modification time
in linux os?
ll filename
3).how can you check who modified file?
using the aide ttol we can check it out the who modify the
file in linux os .
we can execute the comamnd like asthe ,
ll filename
4).How do you check diffeence between file ?
diff file 1 file 2 comamnd in linux os
5).How will you find files coontains the string word?
using the grep comamd and we can identify the files
conatins the string word.
grep root /etc/passwd file .
6).How will you find ensure that a file will not be deleted
we can execute the command like as the ,
chattr command
chattr +i filename
next removing the file command like as the,
rm -rf filename
its shows operations not permitted.
next am going to remove the chattr command on this file
chattr -i filename
now this file is going to be delete
7).what is the differnce between cp and mv command in linux os?
copies the files and directories
after copying the files its not deleting
cp command having different inode number
moves or rename the file or directory.
agter moving this file/dir its deleted the source file
mv command doesn't change the inode number
8).what is sttandard output and standard inpiut in linux os?
9).How do you print standerror and standout on any file?
10).how to add user in linux os ?
using the useradd comamnd we can add the user
useradd host
tehn we can check it out the whster user is added or not.
grep host /etc/passwd command
so in this way we can get this informations.
11).where does linux os stored informations related to
useres and group?
they are so many files are there .using this file
the linux os stored this informations
example like as the , /etc/passwd , /etc/shadow ,/etc/hosts
/etc/alaias file , /etc/hosts,
/etc/fstab ,/etc/filesystems and so many's there
where to get those file?
rpm -qf /etc/passwd
it will prvide the one rpm setup
then we can execute the command like as the,
rpm -ql setup file
so in this way we can get those informations
12).what is use of /etc/skel directory in linux os ?
i want to see the hidden files
this files are copies while user are being crested under home
next am going to executing the command like as the
ls -la /home/nandhini
this files are copied form Skel directory
13).what is the use of login.defs file in linux os ?
aws organizations scp vs aws IAM?
service control policies:
using the scp policies we can specify the maxmium permissiond
for accounts in organzations
using the scp we can restirct the aws services , resoucres
Indiual api access for user and roles in each memeber account
can access.
so you can configure the scp in two ways :
deny list:
you can specify what services and actions can be denied
allow list:
you can soecify what services and actions can be allowd
by default scp's supports for the deny lists.
This policy attaches to an orgnazational unit or a aws account
This Iam policy is only applied into iam identities(user,
group and roles).iam policy can't restirct the aws account
root user.
configure the scp in iam:
service control policies:
go to this otion
here we can find the deny list or allow list
now am goin gto deny the us region using the deny list scp's policy .
after that us region access are cut it down here.
2).Aws Identity center?
3).AWS Organizations controls permissions of multiple AWS accounts from a "parent" AWS account. For example, if a company's IT department has an AWS account, and the Finance department has another AWS account, you can do things like limit what services can be used in those accounts, and monitor them for compliance, using AWS Organizations in a "parent" or "root" AWS account?
iam is needed for this things
Linux interview questions:
Linux Interview Questions:
1)what are the types of files in linux os ?
Regular file, Directory file, Link file, Character special file, Block special file, Socket file, and Named pipe file.
2).what are the comamnd to check file modification time
in linux os?
ll filename
3).how can you check who modified file?
using the aide ttol we can check it out the who modify the
file in linux os .
we can execute the comamnd like asthe ,
ll filename
4).How do you check diffeence between file ?
diff file 1 file 2 comamnd in linux os
5).How will you find files coontains the string word?
using the grep comamd and we can identify the files
conatins the string word.
grep root /etc/passwd file .
6).How will you find ensure that a file will not be deleted
we can execute the command like as the ,
chattr command
chattr +i filename
next removing the file command like as the,
rm -rf filename
its shows operations not permitted.
next am going to remove the chattr command on this file
chattr -i filename
now this file is going to be delete
7).what is the differnce between cp and mv command in linux os?
copies the files and directories
after copying the files its not deleting
cp command having different inode number
moves or rename the file or directory.
agter moving this file/dir its deleted the source file
mv command doesn't change the inode number
8).what is sttandard output and standard inpiut in linux os?
9).How do you print standerror and standout on any file?
10).how to add user in linux os ?
using the useradd comamnd we can add the user
useradd host
tehn we can check it out the whster user is added or not.
grep host /etc/passwd command
so in this way we can get this informations.
11).where does linux os stored informations related to
useres and group?
they are so many files are there .using this file
the linux os stored this informations
example like as the , /etc/passwd , /etc/shadow ,/etc/hosts
/etc/alaias file , /etc/hosts,
/etc/fstab ,/etc/filesystems and so many's there
where to get those file?
rpm -qf /etc/passwd
it will prvide the one rpm setup
then we can execute the command like as the,
rpm -ql setup file
so in this way we can get those informations
12).what is use of /etc/skel directory in linux os ?
i want to see the hidden files
this files are copies while user are being crested under home
next am going to executing the command like as the
ls -la /home/nandhini
this files are copied form Skel directory
13).what is the use of login.defs file in linux os ?
14).How to change home directory of user login shell?
so first we can execut teh command like as the ,
grep root /etc/passwd command
it will display the loginshell of the user
then if you want to change the usermod -s /sbin/bash root
so in this way we can change it .
15).what are the files where linux users default values stored?
16).How to restrict the user to run only ping command?
17).what I need to do if i don't want to create the mailbox for a user?
for that reason we can execute the command like as the ,
vim /etc/useradd/default command
here only we can check it out the mail directory option
her we can see the carete mail directory option = yes
if we don't need we can disable it
18).How to create the user without home directory?
first we can execute the file like as the,
vi /etc/login.defs command
here only the home directory options will ve enble .
maybe if you don;t want we can disable it
after disable this command , user not holding the home directory.
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