Aws Interview Questions:
1).How to troubleshoot the aws ec2 kernel panic issue in cloud environment?
How to troubleshoot the aws kernel panic issues in aws cloud?
1).Take the snapshot for panic instances
2).create new instances in same avilibity zone
3).detach the root volume from panic instance and attach
to the rescue instances
4).mount the panic instances and restore the kernel version
5).stop the recue instances and detach the root volume and
reattach the rescue instances
so, In this way we can troubleshoot the aws kernel
panic issue.
run the following commands , to verify the root volume is
attached to the rescue instances.
lsblk =
its list out the block devices
craete the mount point and mount to the disk
next we need to mount the /dev, /run,/proc, /sys
sudo mount -o bind /dev /mount/dev
sudo mount -o bind /sys /mount/sys
sudo mount -o bind /proc /mount/proc
sudo mount -o bind /ys /mount/sys
run the chroot command on the mounted/mnt file system
chroot /mnt
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
sudo Dracut -f -v
this is the tool . which is used to enhanced the automating the linux
boot process
we can execute the command like as the,
unmount /mnt/{dev,proc,run,sys}.
detach the root volume from the recue instances
and attach to the panic instance
start the original instances
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