Nat Gateway in AWS

what is the rto and rpo ?what strategy do you have in case o any disaster?
active backup

1).NAT Gateway:

what is the NAT Gateway:
if any sserver are presteend into private subnet,
definiet;y we are not going to downoad any packages or updates any packages
so for that reason , aws provides nat gateway.
with the help of gateway , ec2 server able to communicate with internet .
so in this way we can download the certain packages and updates
is needed to be an ec2 instances
How to setup the Natgatway:
so , other way user trying to access the natgatway and 
access the with ec2 server into private subnet , its not possible
natgatway is always Onaway route ware .
nd ec2 and other resources aer pretended into private subnet
only can access the internet 

How to setup the Natgateway:
we need to craete the vpc 
Next we need to craete the two subnets:
one is public subnet and other one is private subnet
next we need to craete the internet gateway 
then public subnets is needed connect for the internet

two route tables also require :
one route table is also attached with public subnet
and other route table is also attached with private subnet
next we need to create the route table to attach with the
public subnets
next we need to create the natgatway :
because natgatway is associated with internet gateway amd
public subnet
because its provide the internet for the private subnets routes
connectivity type in natgatway:
so we can access the internet from anywhere and downloads 
the packages and updates the packages
it will not access the intent . only these access for vpc's
inside for aws environment

update routes .
here we need to add the route the with natgatway
here setup two  ec2 server(one for publci and private )
test the natgatwsy 

next login to the two ec2 severs
first we need to login the public ec2 instances
and from their we can login into the private subnet ec2
because its not connecting from anywhere


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