1).How to setup the vpc,public ,private subnet,nat ,internet gateway and route table into aws?

2).Avilibity zones in aws?
3).what is the subnets ?
4).What is the cidr into aws?

Iam Access Analayzer in aws?
Go to Iam section 
here we can finout the access analyzer 
here we can findout the credtetial report 
click on and download this report . using this reort 
we can get what are useras are craeted and which cedentials they are assigned 
to them .
when users is created and when is paddwords are craeted and genearted ,modified date and time..

access adviosr:
which is used to list out last accessed data . then we cna findout the lass accesed data and remove their unused permisisons here
that's what we can called it as the access advisor 
next we can see the option called unused access:
which is used to nalayze the which iam account is not access for long term 
go to unused access:
create option called it as the craete analyzer
chooose which type of analyzer do you want to choose 

choose ------> unused access analysis
tracking period
slected accounts (organziation and accounts)

next we can see out the option called it as the 
aws organizations :

service control policies :
ws organizations scp vs aws IAM?
service control policies:
using the scp policies we can specify the maxmium permissiond
for accounts in organzations
using the scp we can restirct the aws services , resoucres 
Indiual api access for user and roles in each memeber account
can access.
so you can configure the scp in two ways :
deny list:
you can specify what services and actions can be denied 
allow list:
you can soecify what services and actions can be allowd
by default scp's supports for the deny lists.
This policy attaches to an orgnazational unit or a aws account
This Iam policy is only applied into iam identities(user,
group and roles).iam policy can't restirct the aws account
root user.

configure the scp in iam:
service control policies:
go to this otion
here we can find the deny list or allow list
now am goin gto deny the us region using the deny list scp's policy .
after that us region access are cut it down here.
2).Aws Identity center?
3).AWS Organizations controls permissions of multiple AWS accounts from a "parent" AWS account. For example, if a company's IT department has an AWS account, and the Finance department has another AWS account, you can do things like limit what services can be used in those accounts, and monitor them for compliance, using AWS Organizations in a "parent" or "root" AWS account?
iam is needed for this things .
1).can I retun fix response from blb?
go to load baknacers which we are created 
under the load balancer we can see the rules option there
so edit the rules option and add the rules here
host hader we can add the www.google.com
and add the other path as weell
side we need to add the return fix response code is :
we need to return response body also here

9).Does elb support the ssl terminations?
yes . you have a load balancer there
here we have couple of target groups
elb accept the traffic for 443 from target group
in the help ssl termination mechanism it can forward the
request to notification on  server 80,whenevrr server respond back, this load balancer will respond back at port number 443 only .

10).How can i protect my webservers running behind eld?
The answer is SSL certicate and waf firewall,
creating servers without public ipaddress.

running the webservers without keeps the public ipaddress
11).what is layer4 and layer 7 load balancing?
osi layer
layer 4: best example for netwrok load balancer
layr 7 : best example for application load balancer

1).How do you select the load balancer for your applicatio requirement?
2).which prortocol does application loadbalnacer is support?
3).what are the steps to enable the http2 on elb?
4).does elb support stateful applications?
5).what are the steps to add ssl certificate to elb?
6).can i return fix response from elb?


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