vpc endpoints into AWS
VPC END Points :
AWS Interview Questions:
1).VPC endpoints ? types of vpc endpoints?
what is vpc endpoints:
if your ec2 server is in public subnets
we can attach the IAm role .using this role we connect the
other aws services.
if your ec2 server and database is in private subnets ,
we can use the nat gateway and nat instances , we can connect to the other aws services
vpc endpoints :
all resources are put into privately
two types of end points:
interface endpoints
using the interface endpoints we can connect other aws resources
gateway endpoints
using the gateway endpoints we can connect the s3 service and dynamo db services.
vpc endpoints:
your database into private subnets , would you like to store the logs ,would you like to store the backups into
s3 buckets which is the internet ?
How does database into private subnet ,how to talk to the internet related the aws resources?
using the vpc endpoints
inthis case we don't need to require for natgatway or internet gateway and nat instance
its provides private network .
if you want to establish the network connectivity from
privately to talk the internet related aws services
but entire traffic should be in private in nature..
2).How to create the vpc endpoint into aws?
first we need to create the network setup for this:
first we need to create the vpc
create two subnets
one is two public subnets
other one is two private subnets
next we need to setup the internet gateway
next this internet gateway is attached to the vpc
crate two route table over here
we need to attach the igw for public subnets
here we are going to attach any internet gateway to private
nest we need to attaché with subnets with route table which we are created .
setup ec2 instances
first launch the two ec2 servers
first ec2 instances launch's=es with the public subnets
second ec2 instances launch's with the private subnets
forest login into the public subnet ec2 instances from their we can login into the private subnet ec2 instances
because private ec2 instances doesn't have the internet
next copy to the [private key pair and paste into publics subnets ec2 server
next change the mode of this file
next setup the vpc into s3 service
next login into the private subnet ec2 server:
aws configure
it will ask secret key
and access key
next we are going to craete the vpc endpoints
service category
s3 service -here we can mention it .what kind of
services u are going to define in inside /
choose specific service
choose s3 only
choose vpc's endpoints
select vpc's
choose route table privately
craete dag
create the vpc endpoints
so in this way we can create the vpc endpoints
if we have vpc in private subnet , within the resources if its taled to internet related service like as the
dynamo db and s3 service , so its called as the vpc endpoints into aws environments
to ensure the entire traffic is private
comes in tow flavor
interface s3 service also there( connect two vpc ).both vpc's are talk to the se
gateway s3 service also there(here its nor there options
vpc endpoints having some policy :
networks level authorizations policy ..
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