VPC Flow Logs :

 1).VPC flow logs :

destinations end points :
cloud watch logs
s3 bucket
vpc flow logs = destination point(cloud watch logs):

why its important :
in this way we can monitort all of the network taffic inside
the vpc ..
in this way we can findout what traffic are acccpetd
or what traffics are rejected..
what levels you are configured in vpc flow logs ?
vpc level
which means all traffic is goes to patricular subnet of the of that particukar vpc
aal of the traffic is goies to monitort the netwrok inetrface
all of the traffic is goes to monit the subnet
only we can configure the vpc for subnet level. only the trffic 
subnet is being monitored

netwrok interface level
which means the traffic is moitroing 

we are using the two different destinations to send the
oen is cloudwatch logs 
second one is s3 bucket destinations
How to configure the cloudwatch logs with vpc:
first we need to craete the cloudwatch log group 
log group name 
rentention period (previous day logs will be deleted.new day logs will be visible)
kms key : if you want to encyrpted the data or all logs if you can do it
dag --> create cloudwatch log group.
go to cloudwatch log group
here we can identify the log stream .
every log stream having the log events 

2)s3 bucket destination point:

first we need to create the s3 bucket 
next we need to craete the vpc service
under the vpc we have to avilble for the vpc flow logs 
then go and create the vpc flow logs:
vpc flow log name 
aggreation interval
destination point
bucket arn
log format
log file
parttion logs by time

so only enable the two destinations on vpc , after that all traffic
is goes to that bucket and cloudwatch logs 

In this way we can figure it out the what all are the traffic allowed and what all are the traffic are rejected 


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