AWS Interview Questions:

 1).Why do we make subnets into aws enviroment?

2).is there way to upload a file that is greater then 100 megabytes on amazon s3?

3).what is the maximum number of s3 buckets we can carete?

The maximum number of s3 buckets that can be created is 100

4).How can you save the data on root volume on an eba-backed volume?

we can save the data by overriding the termination options

5).when should you use the classic load balancer and application load balancer into aws environment ?

whixh is used for simple laod balnacing of traffic accross multiple ec2 intsnaces .

application load balancer:

6).How many total vpc's per account/regions and subnets per vpc's?

per account we can craete the 5 vpc's

per vpc's we can craete the 200 subnets

7).11. Your organization has decided to have all its workloads on the public cloud. But, due to certain security concerns, your organization decides to distribute some of the workload on private servers. You are asked to suggest a cloud architecture for your organization. What will your suggestion be?

A hybrid cloud. The hybrid cloud architecture is where an organization can use the public cloud for shared resources and the private cloud for confidential workloads.

8).12. Which one of the storage solutions offered by AWS would you use if you need extremely low pricing and data archiving?

9).13. You have connected four instances to ELB. To automatically terminate your unhealthy instances and replace them with new ones, which functionality would you use?

auto-scalling groupd

10).14. The data on the root volumes of store-backed and EBS-backed instances get deleted by default when they are terminated. If you want to prevent that from happening, which instance would you use?

EBS-backed instances. EBS-backed instances use EBS volume as their root volume. EBS volume consists of virtual drives that can be easily backed up and duplicated by snapshots.



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