aws interview questions

 1).aws 3 tier and 2 tier architecture into aws environment ?

2 tier architecture into aws environment:

3 tier architecture into aws environment:

1).what is the 3 tier architecture into aws environment?

2).How to create the three tier architecture into aws environment?

3)explain the network flow into three tier architecture ?

4).what would be the operations networking setup which is not exposed to the customers but required for operations like patching ?

loadbalnacer also will be able to route to the request as well.

5).why public subnet assign public ip to server and a private doesn't?

6).what is private route?

7).what is route does ?

8).what would be the routing of public traffic ?

9).How the netwrok logging can be configured in the vpc?

amazon kenesis .

10).How to craete the vpc and subnets into aws environment ?

ec2 service..

11).how to create ec2 instances ?

12).what is AMI ?

software , os and server configurations

13).How to choose right AMI for creating instances?

that will be depending on your requirements and needs 

it will change infrastructure to infstrure

and then it will change the organization to organizations

14?is it possible to create the ec2 machine without ami's ?

no .

15).How to secure ec2?

16).how to take automated backups?

we can enable the lifecycle policy . in this way we can take the automated backups

if you want we can take the fully instances or root volumes backups .

as per needs and requirements it would be change it accordingly .

17).How to migrate your instances from one region to another region to another and one account to another?

first we need to craete the ami of your instances 

you can copy ami's one region to another regions

or else we can craete the snaphots and copy the snapshots of target regions from therir we can craete the ami's 

18).How can you recoverkeys of an ec2 instnaces ?

19).is everything seems okay but still you are not able to login to ec2 how will you check it?

20).How do you choose right type of ec2 instnaces?

based on the workload we can choose it

m ,c ,r,t 


ebs:(elatic block storage devices)

1).How many types of ebs volumes are there?

multiple types of ebs volumes are available here.

generr purpose gp2 and pp3

provionded iops io1 and io2  

cold hdd

optimized throughput hdd


2).How to take the backup of a volume?

3).can i associate one ebs to more then i instances 

4).what are the conditions if we need to mount ebs volume to instances?

volumes avilibity zones and ec2 avilibity aones both are 

in same regions . are else it will different locations 

it coul'd be attached

5).what is the maximum size of ebs volume?

upto 16tb of ebs volmues sizes are created

6).where ebs snapshots are stored?

ebs snapshot is stored into s3 buckets

create the charge based on your s3 volumes 

bydeafult you don't need any other options and any other reasons 


what is s3 ?

how to host a website with s3?

what is the use of multipart upload?

how many s3 buckets can you create in your account?

befault 100 s3 buckets into aws account

what is default size of s3 buckets?

its 256 terabytes


17).what is lamda service into aws environment?

lamda is used for developers side mostly

its serviless computing or serviless architecture


difference between ec2 and lamda

when did u use lamda and ec2?

which service is cost effective?


cbelogs the compute family

this is the serviless computing

difference between ec2 and lamda:

lamda functions follow the servless computing

you are nor responsible for the server . aws provides 

server depends upon the applications needs 

ec2 -s pay as a use

lamda -ever things is happened for automatically

automatically scallop or scal down

lamada is using cost optimizations 


ebs volume is creatded before 30days

lamda :

it will monitoring the all resoures running into your aws 

for example ur organization usun g20 aws sevrices 

then u can write the code for lamada like as the,

this lamada function contrlolled resource usage

but it gives moniring and report back it

report back it sayig tgat ,

someone careting the instances for long ago ., no o nne is using . it attached to static ipaddress . you need to take are of that . so in this way lamda is trigger

recommened to delete this

you will run this secript 10 pthon script for this acitivty 

this script is run at 10 am every morning.

you would definitely prefer the lamda function or serveless computing..


cloud watch - lamada-ec2 server(maybe cpu is 

everyday 10 am u have to trigger the lamda


1). How many aws account do you handle ? what to say for such questions?

2).how to chnage the user from one group to another grouo into iam services (for aws enviroment)?

usermod -G hr username (if oyu want to move it we can append to it -a)

3).if elb goes down and what is the solutions?

this managed by aws . 

maybe its goes down . perewarming :

u will provioing the loadvalnavcer with thhe aws techincal team they will ensure that the particular amount of traffic which you want to serve with the help of your load balancer that will be provisio  for it .

the traffic is incresing your website 

let say we can get 3000 requests on this website ,

this traffic is handling by normal load balncer .

and in that case aws get good enough time to do monitroing and obvisoulsy after singal ttanster ur traffic rslurily ivcraeseing. for that reason aws priviodn or rechnage the loadbancer 

that will be loablancer inrernellay migaretd with out notify you 

nalaye the traffic and analyze the capapciytexisting hardware and how much its surve .once aws feels 

once used by or how much capacty usin gby ur website 

in this case no donwtime alsi 

in this way we can migaredt esisting website already surving huge amout of traffic ,in that case we hae to nofify the aws technical team please proiviodn your load balncer .

4).can we attach s3 to ec2 instances if not then why?

technically we can do it., but ideally we can't do that.

beacuse its jobetclevel

if you mount same file on multiple instances thta time we can use the efs .its managed nfs services from the side of aws side 



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