Linux Interview Questions:

1).How many types of files are there in linux os ?

directory file, link file,charccter file , block specila file ,socket file and named pipe file

2).what is the command to check file modification time?

3).How can you check who modified file?

4).How do you check difference between folders and file into linux os ?

5).How will you find files conating string word?

6).How will you ensure that a file will not be deleted accidently?

7).What is the difference between cp and mv command into linux os?


1).How to add user in linux ?

2).where does linux os stored information related to users and groups?

rpm -qf /etc/passwd

rpm -qf setup filename 

3).what is the use of /etc/skel directory?

ll --la /home/nandhini/

useradd tom

ls -ls /home/tom/

4).what is the use of /etc/login.defs file?

5).How to change the home directory /loginshell /userid?

6).what are the files where linux users default values are stored?

7).How to create the user without home directory?

8).How to restrict a user to run only ping command?

9).what will i need to do if I don't want to craete mail box for a user?


1).How can i revoke file permission on a directory or a file for one user?

2).what is difference suid and sgid and sticky bit into linux os ?

3).what is setfacl,getfacl and chattr and lsattr command into linux os ?

4).How can i inherit group on filesystem?

5)How can i enable acl on linux filesystem ?

6).How can i set quota for a user on linux os?


1).How to check all running process into linux os?

2).How can I change priority of running process?

3).what is the range of nice value?

4).How can i check state of process?

5).How can i check when a process was started?

6).How can i check how much cpu and memory a process is utilizing?


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