Linux interview questions

 1).what could be the reason non-bootable linux os and server?

2).How to update the kernel version into linux os ?

3).How to recover the corrupted grub into linux os ?

1).boot your computer using a line cd or usb drive

2).get into live cd mode if avilable

3).then go to the terminal

4).then give ls command . it will list oue partitons 

like hdo 

we can check it out the one by one parttions using ls command 

ls hd0 , ls (hd0,msdos1)

is this way we can figure it out which partions filesytem is not weoking 

set the drive as root

setroot = (partion name)

linux /boot/vmlinux-linux root=/dev/sda1


then it will show the inird 

they type the command like as the,

initrd /boot/initrd

then we cna type the command like as the ,


here we can intrd and initramfs files also setiup

then boot ur os 

after login we need to install the grub:

grup-install /dev/sda

then reboot ur os 

4).How will you check kernel version of os you are currently running?

5).How can you check ip address of your server which is currently running?

6).How do you check free disk space on your server?

7).How do you manage services on server?

8).How do you check size of directories and file size into linux os ?

du -sh * | sort command 


9).How do check open ports on linux server ?

10).How do you check cpu usage for a peocess on s server?

11).How do you craete and access mount points?

12).How do you find a file if you don't know the location?

find and loctae command 

we can execute the command like as the,

find -file /etc/fstab

find .file /etc/fstab

find / -name fstab command

before executing the locate command ,

we need to updatedb- its used to refresh the db

then we can execute the command like as the,

locate fstab 


13).How do you check all logged users in linuux server?

we can execute the w comamnd


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