Aws Interview Questions:

 /;999999gPo1).zero trust network :
2).autoscalling group into aws environment ?
3).Nat gateway into aws environment?
4).security groups into aws environment?
5).mfa setup into aws environment?

4).security groups into aws environment?
first am going to see the what is the security groups ?
how to use the security groups into ec2 server .next we are  going to see and craete the inbound and out bund traffic rules into security groups?
which is used to control the inbound and inbound the traffics are coming to your aws resources.
which security groups rules are impose to the the certain ports 
now the inbound rule is created , this inbound rule is responsible for any incoming request 

from our right we can see the applications into running to the ec2 server
where this applications is running on to port 80 which i have specified into security groups
this is the port am using for my applications running.
this security group is not presented user does not access the particular applications
that is the reason u need to keep the security groups inbound and outbound rules
once the request are comin form user so then the security groups rules checks and it will be check user access the port 80 or not 

if its allow the user can access the applications 

that's what kits used 

22 port i send to login to your machine
user can ping check the ec2 server status 
whater the ec2 server accessible or not
there compoents into security groups:
source protocol
security groups are validating the traffics in-between 
resources of aws environment 
security group rule define the within=n the aws resources
this firewall is responsible for external traffic .
iam trying to acesssthe any website 
based on that user request it will act it accordingly
first we have to craete the ec2 server 
connect and access the ec2 instances 
and install and configure the apache webserver into this.
by default its running on port 80
we have already setup on the security group
now am going to delete the inbound rule from security group
after that website is not working
because inbound rule i have removed 
restrict that traffic 
outbound rules:
all the request to allow to go out from ec2 instances 
in this way we can access the externel  websites 
so my request is go to out from my ec2 instances 
if am removing yhe outbound rules , so here after we can't access the website


security group outbound rule :
which is used to access the external website 
maybe if we are deleted this rule , we can't access the
external websites form ec2 server

security groups validating the 

4).Multifactor authentications into aws environment:
which is sued to provide the additional security for your aws account 

in this way we can feel more secure ''

go to the iam 
here click on the user .choose user whichever u want to it
under the user we can go to the security credentials options 
under this sectons we can find out the option called it as the , mfa is enable or not .

if oyu want we can enable it or else we can leave as default
first it will ask he devices name 
choose authedicator app
click on NeXT
install the google authedicator app for your mobile
then later on fill the details like'
mfa 1
mfa code 2
scan the qr code
then we will get the code
the click add on mfs
then user inferface mfa devices id=s assed for particular user account.
sign-out from the main account
sign into the particular user account which mfa is enables

stop using vpn and start using zero trust networks are the future security?


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