Aws Interview Questions

Aws Interview Questions:

1).How to configure the bastion host into aws enviroemnt>

and what is the bast host into aws enviroemnt?

2).what is the security groups into aws enviroemnt?

3)vpc endpoints in vpc (Aws environment)?


1).how do you upgrade or downgrade a system with near zero downtime?

2).what are the tools and technoques that you can use in aws to idemtify if you are paying more then you should be and how to correct it?

3). Is there any other alternative tool to log into the cloud environment other than console?

4)).what services can be used to craete a centralized logging solutions?

5).what services can be used to craete a centralized logging solutions?

6).what are the native aws security logging capbalities into aws enviroemnt?

aws config 

aws cloudtrail service

7).what is a DDos attack, and what services can minimize them?

8).You are trying to provide a service in a particular region, but you do not see the service in that region. Why is this happening, and how do you fix it?

9).How do you set up a system to monitor website metrics in real-time in AWS?

10).What are the different types of virtualization in AWS, and what are the differences between them?



paravirutuvalization on hvm

10).Name some of the AWS services that are not region-specific

11).What are the differences between NAT Gateways and NAT Instances?

12). What is CloudWatch?

13). What is an Elastic Transcoder?


Aws interview questions for intermediiate and experienced:

1).With specified private IP addresses, can an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance be launched? If so, which Amazon service makes it possible?

virtual private cloud into the aws enviroemnt

2).Define Amazon EC2 regions and availability zones?

3).Mention the different types of instances in  Amazon EC2 and explain its features.

4). Explain Amazon EC2 root device volume?

5).Will your standby RDS be launched in the same availability zone as your primary?

No, standby instances are launched in different availability zones than the primary, resulting in physically separate infrastructures. This is because the entire purpose of standby instances is to prevent infrastructure failure. As a result, if the primary instance fails, the backup instance will assist in recovering all of the data.


Advanced AWS Interview Questions and Answers

1).What is the difference between a Spot Instance, an On-demand Instance, and a Reserved Instance?

2).How would you address a situation in which the relational database engine frequently collapses when traffic to your RDS instances increases, given that the RDS instance replica is not promoted as the master instance?

3).What do you understand by 'changing' in Amazon EC2?

4). Define Snapshots in Amazon Lightsail?

aws scenario based questions:

28).You can create point-in-time snapshots of instances, databases, and block storage disks in Amazon Lightsail, and use them as baselines to create new resources or for data backup. A snapshot contains all of the data that is needed to restore your resource (from the moment when the snapshot was 28. On an EC2 instance, an application of yours is active. Once the CPU usage on your instance hits 80%, you must reduce the load on it. What strategy do you use to complete the task?


29).30. Your business prefers to use its email address and domain to send and receive compliance emails. What service do you recommend to implement it easily and budget-friendly?    

30).Multiple Linux Amazon EC2 instances running a web application for a firm are being used, and data is being stored on Amazon EBS volumes. The business is searching for a way to provide storage that complies with atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability while also increasing the application's resilience in the event of a breakdown (ACID). What steps should a solutions architect take to fulfill these demands?

31).29. Multiple Linux Amazon EC2 instances running a web application for a firm are being used, and data is being stored on Amazon EBS volumes. The business is searching for a way to provide storage that complies with atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability while also increasing the application's resilience in the event of a breakdown (ACID). What steps should a solutions architect take to fulfill these demands?


Technical and Non-Technical AWS Interview Questions

31).descripe a ses?

32).descripe paas?

33).How ,amy s3 buckets can be created?/

34). What is the maximum limit of elastic IPs anyone can produce?

we can cafete the 5 elatic ip's address 


aws oestions for amazon ec2:

35). what is amazon ec2?

36).36. What Are Some of the Security Best Practices for Amazon EC2?

37).37. Can S3 Be Used with EC2 Instances, and If Yes, How?

38).38. What is the difference between stopping and terminating an EC2 instance? 

39).39. What are the different types of EC2 instances based on their costs?

40).40. How do you set up SSH agent forwarding so that you do not have to copy the key every time you log in?

Go to your PuTTY Configuration

Go to the category SSH -> Auth

Enable SSH agent forwarding to your instance

41).41. What are Solaris and AIX operating systems? Are they available with AWS?

Solaris is an operating system that uses SPARC processor architecture, which is not supported by the public cloud currently. 

AIX is an operating system that runs only on Power CPU and not on Intel, which means that you cannot create AIX instances in EC2.

Since both the operating systems have their limitations, they are not currently available with AWS.

42).42. How do you configure CloudWatch to recover an EC2 instance?

43). What are the common types of AMI designs?

Fully Baked AMI

Just Enough Baked AMI (JeOS AMI)

Hybrid AMI

44).44. What are Key-Pairs in AWS?


AWS Interview Questions for S3

45). What is Amazon S3? 

46).46. How can you recover/login to an EC2 instance for which you have lost the key?

47).47. What are some critical differences between AWS S3 and EBS?

48).48. How do you allow a user to gain access to a specific bucket?

49).49. How can you monitor S3 cross-region replication to ensure consistency without actually checking the bucket?

cloudwatch , cloudrail , sns , sqs and lamda

50).what is snowball into aws?

51).51. What are the Storage Classes available in Amazon S3?

21. Explain Amazon EC2 root device volume?

13. How do you set up a system to monitor website metrics in real-time in AWS?


AWS Interview Questions for VPC

52).52. What Is Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Why Is It Used?

53).53. VPC is not resolving the server through DNS. What might be the issue, and how can you fix it?

To fix this problem, you need to enable the DNS hostname resolution, so that the problem resolves itself.

54).54. How do you connect multiple sites to a VPC?

If you have multiple VPN connections, you can provide secure communication between sites using the AWS VPN CloudHub. Here’s a diagram that will show you how to connect various sites to a VPC:

or else we are using the vpn gateway

55).55. Name and explain some security products and features available in VPC?

security groups

nacl - network access control list

vpc flow logs

56).56. How do you monitor Amazon VPC?


cloudwatch logs

vpc flow logs

57).57. How many Subnets can you have per VPC?

we can crete the 200 subnets per vpc.

58. When Would You Prefer Provisioned IOPS over Standard Rds Storage?

You would use Provisioned IOPS when you have batch-oriented workloads. Provisioned IOPS delivers high IO rates, but it is also expensive. However, batch processing workloads do not require manual intervention. 

59).59. How Do Amazon Rds, Dynamodb, and Redshift Differ from Each Other?

Amazon RDS is a database management service for relational databases. It manages patching, upgrading, and data backups automatically. It’s a database management service for structured data only. On the other hand, DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service for dealing with unstructured data. Redshift is a data warehouse product used in data analysis.

60).60. What Are the Benefits of AWS’s Disaster Recovery?

Businesses use cloud computing in part to enable faster disaster recovery of critical IT systems without the cost of a second physical site. The AWS cloud supports many popular disaster recovery architectures ranging from small customer workload data center failures to environments that enable rapid failover at scale. With data centers all over the world, AWS provides a set of cloud-based disaster recovery services that enable rapid recovery of your IT infrastructure and data.

61).61. How can you add an existing instance to a new Auto Scaling group?

62).62. What are the factors to consider while migrating to Amazon Web Services?

Operational Costs - These include the cost of infrastructure, ability to match demand and supply, transparency, and others.

Workforce Productivity 

Cost avoidance

Operational resilience

Business agility

63). What is RTO and RPO in AWS?

64).64. If you would like to transfer vast amounts of data, which is the best option among Snowball, Snowball Edge, and Snowmobile?

AWS Snowball is basically a data transport solution for moving high volumes of data into and out of a specified AWS region. On the other hand, AWS Snowball Edge adds additional computing functions apart from providing a data transport solution. The snowmobile is an exabyte-scale migration service that allows you to transfer data up to 100 PB.

65. Explain what T2 instances are?

The T2 Instances are intended to give the ability to burst to a higher performance whenever the workload demands it and also provide a moderate baseline performance to the CPU.

66).66. What are the advantages of AWS IAM?

67).67. Explain Connection Draining

Connection Draining is an AWS service that allows us to serve current requests on the servers that are either being decommissioned or updated.

By enabling this Connection Draining, we let the Load Balancer make an outgoing instance finish its existing requests for a set length of time before sending it any new requests. A departing instance will immediately go off if Connection Draining is not enabled, and all pending requests will fail.

68).What is Power User Access in AWS?



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