1- Can you explain your current infrastructure?
OR What all services are you using to run your infrastructure?
2- What type of load balancer are you using?
3- What OS are running on your OS?
4- What app server are running in your infra?
5- Do you have a public-facing load balancer or internal load balancer?
6- How do you decide server size?
7- How do you manage the load on your website? OR How have you used/configured load balancer?
8- How do you secure your website? What is the use of the security group and NACL?
9- How do you take a backup of your infrastructure?
10- How frequently do you take a backup of your infra?
11- What is RTO and RPO? Or What strategy do you have in case of any disaster?
12 How do you prevent your site from attacks / Do you use WAF solution?
13- How can we secure the site using the cloud front?
14- What tools do you use to monitor your infrastructure?
15- What is your log rotation policy?
16- How do you ensure that your servers are patched?
17- How do you decide what all components to monitor?
ec2 user data into aws environment:
1)aws ec2 launch template :
to use the launch template to launch the ec2 instances ''
in this way we can easily quick launch ec2 machine
using the launch template we can launch multiple ec2 servers.
then go and create the launch template:
first we have to give the
name ,descriptions
autoscalling group guidance it will be there.
source template it will be there
remaining same as usual to launch ec2 server
using this things we can create the launch template
next we can use the launch template to create the launch ec2 instances
here we can find the option called as the,
launch instance
under the launch instances we can find the option called as the ,
launch template form instances
next it will ask to choose the launch template
then launch the ec2 instnaces
here we can see the all details are prefilled
after install this machine then we have to heck it out the
pachnages sttaus
maybe if its docker,
docker --version:
source template :
i have one launch template
we are resuming the template to launch the ec2 machines
using this template we can launch the ec2 instances ..
using the launch template we can launch different different ec2 instances
aws cli :
we can install the cli for different environments?
like windows , linux and mac ox
then g ot the command prompt into windows:
aws --version
in this way we can check it out it installed or not:
we an use the secrets key and access key for configure your cli.
next we need to give:
aws configure:
then it will ask access key
secret key
and region:
now u can configure it.
so in this wa check it out the credential is correct and whater u are connected into the aws account
aws sts get-caller-identity
its common for all the platform ...
aws cli is installing for linux os:
ubuthu :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt get install awscli
once its install then we can execute the command like as the,
aws configure.
then we can put it into the
access key
secret key
and regions
aws s3 ls mb s3://bucket name
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