create database dummy;

use dummy;

create table customer (customer_name  varchar(255),customer_id int, customer_address int , city varchar(255),state varchar(255),zip_code int);

select * from customer;

insert into customer (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code)

values ('nandhini','10','234','covai','tamil nadu','10052')

create database dummy1

use dummy1;

create table dummy1 (customer_name varchar(255),customer_id int, customer_address varchar(255), city varchar(255),state varchar(255),zip_code varchar(255));

insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code)

values ('nandhini','10','234 sunset vaddkku','covai','tamil nadu','10052');

insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code)

values ('mary','23','456 main street ','san fansico ','ca','78900');

insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code)

values ('cathy cook','4','4010 speed way ','tuck son','az','649080');

insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code)

values ('richard newman','3','2040 riverside rd ','san diego ','ca','92010');

select * from dummy1;

alter table dummy1 change column customer_address address varchar(200)

alter table dummy1 add column mobile_number varchar(255)

delete  from dummy1 where customer_id = 23;

select * from dummy1;

alter table dummy1 add column_name mob_number varchar(100);

select * from dummy1;

use dummy;

select customer_name from dummy1;

update dummy1 set mobile_number="82206-1234" where customer_name = "nandhini";

alter table dummy1 add phone_number varchar(255);

alter table dummy1 change column customer_id customer_rollno varchar(255);

update dummy1 set phone_number='82206-1234' where customer_name='mary';

delete  from dummy1 where customer_id='1';

select * from dummy1;

update dummy1 set phone_number='234567890' where customer_name ='cathy cook';

delete from dummy1 where zip_code='78900';

select * from dummy1 where state='ca';

select * from dummy1 where customer_id>5;

alter table dummy1 drop column phone_number;

truncate table dummy1;

alter table dummy1 add gifts varchar(255);

1).How do you make the table in sql?(for the customer):

2)..How do you insert below records into sql?

3).How can we change the customer_adddress column to address?

alter table table name change column customer_adddress address varchar(200)

4).how do you add a new column mobile number?

alter table table name mobile number int;

5).how do you delete a column from a table ?

delete * from table-bae where 

6).How do you insert below records?

7).how to show the all records into table?

select * form table name 

8).how can view the particular column from table?

we can execute the command like as the,

select customer_name,customer_id from table_namel

9).How can you update the phonenumuber for 'mary smith to '82206-1234'?

update dummy1 set mobile number="82260-1234" where customer name = "";

10).how can you delete the record where the zip code is "606778"

delete from dummy1 where zip code='":

11).how can you select distinct data where the user is from a state ="ca"?

select * from dummy1 where state="ca"

12).how do you print customer IDs who are greater then 5?

select * from table_name where customer_id >5;

13).How do you delete the mobile number column?

alter  table table_name drop column phone_number:

14).How do you trucate table ?


aggregate functions:

1).sum()create database dummy0;

use dummy0;

create table student (student_name varchar(255),student_mark int,department varchar(255))

insert into student (student_name,student_mark,department)

values ('nandhini','1','it');

insert into student (student_name,student_mark,department)

values ('ram','2','cse');

insert into student (student_name,student_mark,department)

values ('ragu','3','mech');

insert into student (student_name,student_mark,department)

values ('raghul','4','ece');

select * from student;

select student_mark from student;

select sum(student_mark) as totalmark from student;

select max(student_mark) from student;

select min(student_mark) from student;

select avg(student_mark) from student;

select * from student;

select * from student where student_mark='2';

select count(student_name) from student;

select count(student_name) from student where department='cse';

1).how do you get student total mark in sql table?

select sum(stduent_mark) from student;

select sum(student_mark) as totalmark from table_name;

2).which student are getting most highest mark?

select max(student_mark)f from table_name;

3).How to get lowest mark from student table?

select min(student_mark) from table_name

4).how to get average mark from student_table?

select avg(student_name) from table_name


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