
Showing posts from June, 2024

aws interview questions

 1).aws 3 tier and 2 tier architecture into aws environment ? 2 tier architecture into aws environment: 3 tier architecture into aws environment: 1).what is the 3 tier architecture into aws environment? 2).How to create the three tier architecture into aws environment? 3)explain the network flow into three tier architecture ? 4).what would be the operations networking setup which is not exposed to the customers but required for operations like patching ? loadbalnacer also will be able to route to the request as well. 5).why public subnet assign public ip to server and a private doesn't? 6).what is private route? 7).what is route does ? 8).what would be the routing of public traffic ? 9).How the netwrok logging can be configured in the vpc? amazon kenesis . 10).How to craete the vpc and subnets into aws environment ? ec2 service.. 11).how to create ec2 instances ? 12).what is AMI ? software , os and server configurations 13).How to choose right AMI for creating instances? that will
 Linux Interview Questions: 1).How many types of files are there in linux os ? directory file, link file,charccter file , block specila file ,socket file and named pipe file 2).what is the command to check file modification time? 3).How can you check who modified file? 4).How do you check difference between folders and file into linux os ? 5).How will you find files conating string word? 6).How will you ensure that a file will not be deleted accidently? 7).What is the difference between cp and mv command into linux os? ------------------------------------- 1).How to add user in linux ? 2).where does linux os stored information related to users and groups? rpm -qf /etc/passwd rpm -qf setup filename  3).what is the use of /etc/skel directory? ll --la /home/nandhini/ useradd tom ls -ls /home/tom/ 4).what is the use of /etc/login.defs file? 5).How to change the home directory /loginshell /userid? 6).what are the files where linux users default values are stored? 7).How to create the user w

Aws Interview Questions:

  1).How to configure the Nat gateway into aws environment 2).How to configure the autoscalling group into aws environment? 3).How to configure the aws certificate manager into aws environment ? Aws certificate Manager: 4).vpc transits' gateway into aws environment? 5).what is lamda and what is the lamda function into aws  environment?.
 1).Advanced Linux troubleshooting Tips: Tricks to become better and faster at disguising and resolving troubles of a linux system  dmesg  13 linux command every linux admin should know : 1) .df -Th command : it will list out the disk space which we are used into linux os . so in this way we can check it out number of avilibity filesystems, used space ,available space and mounted place df -ik : it will list out number inodes of the filesystem. du -sh command : it will list out directory and file size which is available for linux os . in this way we can check it how much data are used consuming  on each directory then go to any directory like cd /etc, cd/log  under this directory we can execute the command like as the , du -sh * command  In this way we can figure it out which directory and logs consumes more logs . fallocate command : so in this way we can allocate the space for the particular file. fallocate -l 100m lokendra lsof command: netstat -tunlp command : in this way we can lis
 Aws Certification Manager into aws environment: 1).first we need to create the vpc  2).next things we have to create the two public  subnets based on multiple avilibity zones we can craete the multiple subnets . 3).setup the the internet gateway  4).next internet gateway is needed to attach with the  vpc . 5).setup the route table  next am going to associate the all subnets into route tables which we are careted. next am going to add the igw for public subnets routes --------------------------------------------- setup the ec2 instances: while lancing the ec2 server , we have to choose the  vpc and public subnets and added into that. here we need to install the and configure the apache webserver ---------------------------------------- setup the loadbalnacer firsts we need to create the target group and add the ec2 servers. then we can to create the load balancer and add the target group inside it . ---------------------------- we dont want use loadnalabcer dns name. we want to introdu

Linux interview Questions :

 1).How to recover accidently deleted /etc/fstab into linux os ? anyone deleted this /etc/fstab .after this we can' boot ur os. boot into recovery mode . then go to the linux terminal page . here we have to execute the blkid command  here it will list out the avilble partions and attached filesystems . if your deleting the /etc/fatab.that time root parttion won't be work  now we can mount the root parttion in rw mode mount -t ext4 -0 rw,remount dev/sda1 / 2).VMSTAT command into linux ? 3).iostat and dstat command into linux os ? 4).LInux free command into linux os ? in this way we can check it our the memeory usage and swap memeory as well. then it will display out the , used,space avilble ,total ,buffer/catche abd shared what is free space we can execute the command like as the, free -b command : we will get the particular output for the bits  so if you want to getto int the outpit in kilobytes : so we can execut ethe comamnd like as the, free -k free -g: it will show the o th

AWS Intervie w Questions

 AWS VPC Transist gateway into aws environment: why we neeed 9 steps we have to setiup the vpc transist gateway : we need to craete the name ,descritpions, configure the transist gateway: here we can see the asn(amazon side autonomus system number) if you don't put anything in aws side ,in aws side is going to be assign you . am not going to put any number here. this is the route identification number . you need to put some route identification number . so that when we are craeting the trsis gatway ,so vpc find that route based on that number an then communiacat eiwth the vpc  next configuret the corss -account shring options transist gateway cidr blog crate dag  craete the transist gateway  we should create the transist gateway attachement : stilll all the vpc's is not going to be attcahed with the transist gateway : so am going to attch the vpc's into the vpc transist gateway. here am going to create the all the vpc's is attached to the vpc transist gateway .  we have

AWS Interview Questions:

 1).Why do we make subnets into aws enviroment? 2).is there way to upload a file that is greater then 100 megabytes on amazon s3? 3).what is the maximum number of s3 buckets we can carete? The maximum number of s3 buckets that can be created is 100 4).How can you save the data on root volume on an eba-backed volume? we can save the data by overriding the termination options 5).when should you use the classic load balancer and application load balancer into aws environment ? whixh is used for simple laod balnacing of traffic accross multiple ec2 intsnaces . application load balancer: 6).How many total vpc's per account/regions and subnets per vpc's? per account we can craete the 5 vpc's per vpc's we can craete the 200 subnets 7).11. Your organization has decided to have all its workloads on the public cloud. But, due to certain security concerns, your organization decides to distribute some of the workload on private servers. You are asked to suggest a cloud architecture

Linux interview questions

 1).what could be the reason non-bootable linux os and server? 2).How to update the kernel version into linux os ? 3).How to recover the corrupted grub into linux os ? 1).boot your computer using a line cd or usb drive 2).get into live cd mode if avilable 3).then go to the terminal 4).then give ls command . it will list oue partitons  like hdo  we can check it out the one by one parttions using ls command  ls hd0 , ls (hd0,msdos1) is this way we can figure it out which partions filesytem is not weoking  set the drive as root setroot = (partion name) linux /boot/vmlinux-linux root=/dev/sda1 init then it will show the inird  they type the command like as the, initrd /boot/initrd then we cna type the command like as the , .img here we can intrd and initramfs files also setiup then boot ur os  after login we need to install the grub: grup-install /dev/sda then reboot ur os  4).How will you check kernel version of os you are currently running? 5).How can you check ip address of your server

Linux Inetrview questions

 1).what is suid and guid into linux os ? suid command : chmod u+S filename guid command: chnod g+s filename 2).what types of files are typically in the /etc directory into linux os ? here we can see the configurations files 3).explain the entries of /etc/fstab file ? cat /etc/fstab command : we have a six entries are there: 1).partitions 2).mount points 3).defaults 4).xfs -filesystem 5).0 = dump = which is used to backup of the filesystem 6).0 = fsck = which is sued to checking the filesystem errors and repairing the filesystem 4).what is stickybit,how it will be useful expalin with example? 5).How to provide access to single file to multiple useres and groups with custommized permissions? using acl you can provide the access to directory/file for mulriple useres and groups setfacl -m u:tom:rwx /etc/fstab command 6).what is suid and sgid explain ? 7).How to scan for new LUN without server reboot? we cn install the yum install sg3_utils we can wexcute the command like as the, sg_scan -

Linux Interview questions

 1).Linux interview questions: 1).How will you change default userid value in linux os ? first we can execute the command like as the, id command  so in this way we can check it out default userid value changing the default userid value into linux os: 2).-root # rm -rf /tmp/test gives error operations not permitted ? reason? 3)./etc/hosts (which rpm is responsible for creating this file). 4).what is the difference between rpm and yum ? 5).what is difference between hard and softlink into linux os ? 6).what is sticky bit? 7).How will you check open ports on linux server? 8).How will you check open ports on remote servers(without login) 9).your site is throwing 500 error,how will you start  troubleshooting it? 10).How will you craete space on disk if it is showing 100% used ? 11).what is package of sar command and what does it do? How to install the sar command  yum install sysstsat -y command

sql queries:

 create database db0; use db0; create table employee_details(id int, name varchar(255),place varchar(255),salary int); create table purchase_details(name varchar(255), place varchar(255),amount int); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('10','nandhini','coimbatore','40000'); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('20','kavitha','chennai','60000'); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('30','arun','us','45000'); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('40','arul','delhi','70000'); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('50','priya','calfornia','90000'); insert into employee_details(id,name,place,salary) values ('60','sarala','russia','100000'); select * from employee_details; insert into employee_d

linux interview questions

 Linux interview Questions from Tech Arkit: 1).There are three users in linux server A1,B1,c1. 1. provide access to A1 user ftp,telnet ans ssh commands 2.only ssh access to b1 user 3.only telnet access to c1 user How will you provide access? first we should edit the sudoers file vi /etc/sudoers and vi sudo A1 ALL = nopassword ;/bin/ftp,/bin/telnet,/bin/ssh B1 ALL = nopassowrd :/bin/ssh C1 ALL = nopassowrd :/bin/telnet 2).what is firewall? its a security . which is used to filters and controls the traffic on a predefined set of rules. firewall rule is defined as the blocks and protects the website . 3).what is selinux & selinux contexts? system_u: selinux user object_r : role passwd_file: selinux type so =sensivity level ls -lZ command How to check the selinux is enable on the file level? we can execute the command like as the, ls -lZ command  so in this way we can check it out the selinux is enable on the particular file. 4).How do you check kernel version into linux os ? we can ex

Load balancer interview Questions:

 Load balancer interview Questions: Load balancer Interview Questions from server gyan  1).How do you select load balancer for your application  requirement ? we have three types of load balancer .  application load balancer network load balancer gateway load balancer base on their needs and requirements we have to choose those load balancers  2).which protocol does application elb support? http and https  3)what are the steps to enable the http2 protocol on the  top of elb? go to the load balancer which we are created before. under the loadbalnacer we have to see the options called as the descriptions here we have to see the attributes  edit the attributes if u want : here we can see the http2 protocol version if you want we can enable or disable it  by default http2 is enabled on load balancer. delete protections  access logs  mitigation mode  drop invalid header fields 4).does elb support stateful applications? yes its support .  what is the stateful and stateless ? 5).what are the

Linux interview questions

 1).what is the differnece between dnf and yum pacakges  into linux os ? whatever activity we can do in yum packages , we can do the same activity into dnf packages its. dnf packages :  its provides the beter speed , performance and less memory consumptions . this is the updated version of yum packages. now am going to execute the command like as the , time dnf install package name -y time yum install package name -y after updating this packages into system , we have to see the time differences. 2).How to block the root user account into the server for ssh? 3).what is the  difference between iostat and dstat in linux os ? 4)linux Monir ting cli commands  5).Differences between linux 7 and linux 8 ? 6)difference between init vs systemd in linux os ? init : init is used to boot the process 7).what could be the reasons of a non bootable linux  system or server? boot loader issue : corrupted grub  incorrect boot loader settings file system corruption kernel issues kernel panic hardware pro