aws interview questions
1).aws 3 tier and 2 tier architecture into aws environment ? 2 tier architecture into aws environment: 3 tier architecture into aws environment: 1).what is the 3 tier architecture into aws environment? 2).How to create the three tier architecture into aws environment? 3)explain the network flow into three tier architecture ? 4).what would be the operations networking setup which is not exposed to the customers but required for operations like patching ? loadbalnacer also will be able to route to the request as well. 5).why public subnet assign public ip to server and a private doesn't? 6).what is private route? 7).what is route does ? 8).what would be the routing of public traffic ? 9).How the netwrok logging can be configured in the vpc? amazon kenesis . 10).How to craete the vpc and subnets into aws environment ? ec2 service.. 11).how to create ec2 instances ? 12).what is AMI ? software , os and server configurations 13).How to choose right AMI for creating instances? that will ...