
Showing posts from July, 2024

Linux Interview Questions:

 1).How to check kernel version of linux os? 2).How to check ip address of server? 3).How to get the default gateway of server/ 4).what is ulimit? 5).How to check which rpm has created /etc/passwd file? 6).Disk space is still full even after deleteing a file of 5GB? 7).How to ssh to oyur server? 8).Sudo bash vs sudo su - 9).what is use of curl ? 10).what is the use of wget? 11).what is filename to manage dns entries on linux ? 12).what is the use of /etc/hosts entries? 13).what is the use of w command into linux ? 14).How to kill all process of any user? 15).How to mount disk permantenly? 16).How to check hidden files and how to create it? 17).How to start process at startup time? 18).what does nameless directory represent? 19).How do you check for free disk space? 20).How do you manage services on a server? 21).How do you check size of a directory or file on your  system? 22).How do you check open port on linux server? 23).How do you check cpu usage for a process? 24).How do you deal

AWS Interview Questions: 1).How to configure the nat gateway into aws environment 2).How to configure the autoscalling group into aws environment? 3).How to configure the aws certificate manager into aws environment ? Aws certificate Manager: 4).vpc transits gateway into aws environment? 5).what is lamba and what is the lamda function into aws  environment? -------------------------------------- 1).How to troubleshoot the ec2 kernel panic issues into ec2 environment? 2).how to recover the elastic ip which your missing? 3).ssh is not connecting .So how to troubleshoot it ? 4).what is vpc endpoint service and how to configure the vpc endpoint service? 5).difference between the security groups and nacl into aws environment ?

AWs Interview Questions

 1).How to troubleshoot the aws ec2 kernel panic issue into aws environment? stop the ec2 instances take the snapshot for panic ec2 instances  2).How to recover the elastic ip which you are missing? recovering the elastic ipddress for using below methods: you cannot recover the elastic ipaddress. maybe those ipaddress are allocated to the another aws account exceeding your elastic ip address limit. we can recover the elastic ipaddress using he aws ec2 api or cli only copy the ipaddress somewhere go to the Cmd prompt: and login using the aws configure . aws ec2 allocate-address --domain vpc --address elastic ipaddress  in this way we can recover the elastic ip .. 3).ssh is not connecting . So how to troubleshoot the issue with in it ? first checking the security groups next we have to check the public subnet (weather the igw route is added or not) next am going to check the status check of your instances  instances status check and system status check we have to check the key file permi

AWS Interview Questions:

 1).could you please explain the spot instances and configuring about the spot ec2 instances into aws environment ? 2).what is the mfa and how to configure the mfa into iam ? 3).security groups and tell about it the concepts 4).vpc endpoints and how to configure the those things ? 5).vpc flow logs 6).AWS CLI into aws environment? ------------------------------------------------ AWS Interview Questions: 1).IAM roles into aws environment: 2).Custom IAM role and policy into aws environment? IAM Role : which is used to establish the communication between the different iam services into aws environment IAM policy into aws environment: which is use to tell us what kind of activity you can perform on each services into aws environments: maybe it would be like as the, read ,write and execute  How to create IAM role and policy into aws environment? first create the iam role without allocated the policy: give the aws services choose use case or aws services then don't choose any policy or pe

SQL Interview Questions:

 SQL Interview Questions: sql interview questions: 1).What is sql? 2).what are the subsets of sql? ddl -dattruncatea definitaion laungade = create ,alter,drop, dml dcl tcl --------------------- 1).create the database : insert,update,delete,select sql for beginners : 1).how to create the table? 2).How to insert the values and rows into the tables? 3).How to update the table into sql? for example am entring the john age is wrong. so i need to chnage the 25 . so for that situvation we have to use the upadte command into sql . so , we can execute the command like as the, update student  set  age =23 where name='john';   4).How to delete the rows from the paticular tables and delete the compeplete table? ------------------------------------------------------ 1).How to create the customer table into sql databases? 1)sql practice questions? 1).How to create the customer table into sql? create table customer (customer_id varchar(200),customer_name varchar(200),customer_address varchar(

Aws Interview Questions

 1).Master ec2 spot instances : ultimate guide to massive savings: how to setup and configure the spot instances into our aws environment? first am goin go setup the network setup: next am going to create the two subnets . one is public subnet and another one is private subnet next am going to craete the two route tables in first route table we are going to attach with the public subnets in our second route table we are going to attach with the  private subnets next am going to add the igw routes with the public subnet route tables first am going to take the public subnet .  here we can see the fleet of ec2 instances  then go to the ec2 service under we have to see sopt request click on request spot instances. launch parameters use the launch template first am going to craete the launch template  then choose the launch template after launch instances whener we are working with the ec2 server , we will get the two keys .  one is private key and another one is public key public will be a

Aws Interview Questions

Aws Interview Questions: 1).How to configure the bastion host into aws enviroemnt> and what is the bast host into aws enviroemnt? 2).what is the security groups into aws enviroemnt? 3)vpc endpoints in vpc (Aws environment)? --------------------------------------------- 1).how do you upgrade or downgrade a system with near zero downtime? 2).what are the tools and technoques that you can use in aws to idemtify if you are paying more then you should be and how to correct it? 3). Is there any other alternative tool to log into the cloud environment other than console? 4)).what services can be used to craete a centralized logging solutions? 5).what services can be used to craete a centralized logging solutions? 6).what are the native aws security logging capbalities into aws enviroemnt? aws config  aws cloudtrail service 7).what is a DDos attack, and what services can minimize them? 8).You are trying to provide a service in a particular region, but you do not see the service in that regi

Application load balancer Interview questions-part-01

 Load balancer Interview Questions from server gyan  1).How do you select load balancer for your application  requiremet ? we have three types of load balncer .  application load balnacer netwrok load balncer gateway load balnacer base on their needs and reuirements we have to choose those load balnacers  2).which protocol does application elb supoort? http and https  3)what are the steps to enable the http2 protocol on the  top of elb? go to the load balnacer which we are craeted before. under the loadbalnacer we have to see the options called as the descritpions here we have to see the attributes  edit the attributes if u want : here we can see the http2 protocol version if you want we can enable or disable it  by default http2 is enabled on load balnacer. dlete protections  access logs  mitigation mode  drop invalid header fields 4).does elb support statful applications? yes its support .  what is the stateful and stateless ? 5).what are the steps to add ssl certificate with elb? go

Aws Interview Questions:

 /;999999gPo1).zero trust network : 2).autoscalling group into aws environment ? 3).Nat gateway into aws environment? 4).security groups into aws environment? 5).mfa setup into aws environment? -------------------------------------------------- 4).security groups into aws environment? first am going to see the what is the security groups ? how to use the security groups into ec2 server .next we are  going to see and craete the inbound and out bund traffic rules into security groups? which is used to control the inbound and inbound the traffics are coming to your aws resources. which security groups rules are impose to the the certain ports  now the inbound rule is created , this inbound rule is responsible for any incoming request  from our right we can see the applications into running to the ec2 server where this applications is running on to port 80 which i have specified into security groups this is the port am using for my applications running. this security group is not presented
 create database dummy; use dummy; create table customer (customer_name  varchar(255),customer_id int, customer_address int , city varchar(255),state varchar(255),zip_code int); select * from customer; insert into customer (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code) values ('nandhini','10','234','covai','tamil nadu','10052') create database dummy1 use dummy1; create table dummy1 (customer_name varchar(255),customer_id int, customer_address varchar(255), city varchar(255),state varchar(255),zip_code varchar(255)); insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code) values ('nandhini','10','234 sunset vaddkku','covai','tamil nadu','10052'); insert into dummy1 (customer_name,customer_id,customer_address,city,state,zip_code) values ('mary','23','456 main street ','san fansico ','ca','78900'); ins
 1- Can you explain your current infrastructure?  OR What all services are you using to run your infrastructure? 2- What type of load balancer are you using? 3- What OS are running on your OS? 4- What app server are running in your infra? 5- Do you have a public-facing load balancer or internal load balancer? 6- How do you decide server size? 7- How do you manage the load on your website? OR How have you used/configured load balancer? 8- How do you secure your website? What is the use of the security group and NACL? 9- How do you take a backup of your infrastructure? 10- How frequently do you take a backup of your infra? 11- What is RTO and RPO? Or What strategy do you have in case of any disaster? 12 How do you prevent your site from attacks / Do you use WAF solution? 13- How can we secure the site using the cloud front? 14- What tools do you use to monitor your infrastructure? 15- What is your log rotation policy? 16- How do you ensure that your servers are patched? 17- How do you de
 1)what is ec2? 2).what is snowball? 3).what is cloud watch? 4).what is elastic transcoder? 5).what do you understand by vpc? 6).6. DNS and Load Balancer Services come under which type of Cloud Service? 7).7. What are the Storage Classes available in Amazon S3? 8).8. Explain what T2 instances are? 9).9. What are Key-Pairs in AWS? 10). How many Subnets can you have per VPC? 11). List different types of Cloud Services. ------------------------------------ Advanced aws questions: 1).1. Explain what S3 is? 2). How can you send a request to Amazon S3? 3). What does AMI inclu5.  4).What are the different types of Instances? de? 5).What is the relation between the Availability Zone and Region? 6).How do you monitor Amazon VPC? 7). What are the different types of EC2 instances based on their costs? 8). What do you understand by stopping and terminating an EC2 Instance? 9). What are the consistency models for modern DBs offered by AWS? 10). What is Geo-Targeting in Cloud Front? 11). What are th