Linux Interview Questions:
1).How to check kernel version of linux os? 2).How to check ip address of server? 3).How to get the default gateway of server/ 4).what is ulimit? 5).How to check which rpm has created /etc/passwd file? 6).Disk space is still full even after deleteing a file of 5GB? 7).How to ssh to oyur server? 8).Sudo bash vs sudo su - 9).what is use of curl ? 10).what is the use of wget? 11).what is filename to manage dns entries on linux ? 12).what is the use of /etc/hosts entries? 13).what is the use of w command into linux ? 14).How to kill all process of any user? 15).How to mount disk permantenly? 16).How to check hidden files and how to create it? 17).How to start process at startup time? 18).what does nameless directory represent? 19).How do you check for free disk space? 20).How do you manage services on a server? 21).How do you check size of a directory or file on your system? 22).How do you check open port on linux server? 23).How do you check cpu usage for a process? 24).How do ...